I have finished the book and it turned out how I imagined it would be.
After Okonkwo thought to himself that how he hoped the people of Umuofia would be excited to see him,
I immediately thought of the opposite. When I read on to find out that the Christians had taken over the village, I thought that it was going to happen.
A once strong village, would eventually fall.Another part with I predicted also came true.
When Mr. Brown leaves the flock,
I thought that he would get replaced, and if he did, it would be someone more strict and harsh.
Throughout this book, i also found some foreshadowing. When the crickets finally came to the village, I thought that they would have some significance, or there was no point of them in the book. I think this was foreshadowing of the colonizers which eventually took over Umuofia.I also enjoed the imagery portrayed throughout this book. The imagery was a great aspect because it really made you feel as if you were there, in the book experiencing the evnets that took place. One scene I really remember is the one in which Ezinma was sick and Okonkwo held the pot against her. This scene made you feel as is you were suffocating along with Ezinma.
Things Fall Apart
One part of the book i especially liked was when Uchendu called together his sons and Okonkwo and told them about "Nneka, Mother is Supreme." I liked his explanation of how the villager consider the man the head of the family, yet why they name most of their children Nneka. Event ill today, many children go to their mother fro protection and when the child seks for sympathy. During that chapter, I also found it sad how he his wife had to throw away the many children she has borne. Okonkwo, as Uchendu said was no the most suffered peron ever just because he had to leace this clan for seven years.
Things Fall Apart
One tradition of the clan I did not like was the fact that a person had to be exiled for killing a clans member inadvertently. I think that Okonkwo did not deserve this punishment. I also found it sad that Obierka had to burn down Okonkwo's entire compound to "cleanse the village of the sin." And also, how does a gun explode going right throught he heart of a boy?Another thing I disliked was the concept of Agbala. Okonkwo's father had been called Agbala, a woman, a man with no title. In that day, women, as portrayed by the book, had not much to do and thus they called a lazy man Agbala. However, I liked Uchendu's explanation fo a woman's role in life, and why the most common name was Nneka, Mother is Supreme. It was because your mother is there to protect you, when there is sorrow or grief, a man finds refuge in his motherland.
Things Fall Apart
Once scene which really struck out ot me so far was when, Ogbuefi Ezeudu informed Okonkwo in private that the Oracle has decreed that Ikemefuna must be killed. In addition he had told Okonkwo not to part take in his death because he was calling Okonkwo his father. Okonkwo lied to Ikemefuna was going back to his home. I was especially sad when the man drew up and raised his machete and Ikemefuna cried, "My father, they have killed me!," while he ran toward Okonkwo. Okonkwo cut him down inthe fear of being thought as weak.
Things Fall Apart
As I read the book, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, I found a few quotes which caught my interest.
One of thee
se quotes is, " Fortunately among these people, a man was judged according to his worth, not the worth of his father." I like the idea portrayed by this quote because I think a man should be judged by his selfworth, not by that of his father.
Another quote is, " It was the fear of himself lest he should resemble his father." I think that this quote is trying to saythat Okonkwo's greatest fear was becoming like his father. He tried to be everything his father wasn't, the complete opposite. Some examples are that his father was lazy, Okonkwo was strong, his father was afraid of blood and he wasn't. Even if Unoka, (his father) had a good trait like being gentle and kind, he would just be the opposite, aggressive and abusive.
One last quote is: "Looking at a king's mouth, "said an old man," one would think he never sucked at his mother's breast. " I thing this quote is showing that the people of Okonkwo's village are surprised at how he had become so wealthy and such a powerful man when his father was a complete failure.